~it's me~

~it's me~
~a fRieNd iN neED is a fRieNd iNdeED~

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Tips Persiapan Sebelum Peperiksaan

• Persediaan hati

Persediaan hati lebih banyak mempengaruhi kedua-dua persediaan lain, cuma ia tidak nampak secara zahir. Hati yang bersih memudahkan seorang muslim itu mendapat petunjuk dan bimbingan Allah lantas memudahkan dia menuntut ilmu yang suci. Antara caranya ialah dengan memperbanyakkan amal ibadah kerana Allah dengan memasang niat yang benar dan melakukan segala perintahNya dan meninggalkan segala laranganNya.

• Persediaan akal

1. Pastikan mempunyai mind set bahawa peperiksaan merupakan satu perkara yang positif untuk seseorang itu berusaha bersungguh- sungguh untuk mencapai sesuatu.
2. Berlatih menjawab past year question.
3. Jadikan study room anda sebagai operation room dengan menampal:
• kata-kata seperti “Allah bersama orang-orang yang berusaha” atau gambar- gambar yang dapat menaikan semangat anda.
• Tarikh dan tempat peperiksaan
• Countdown seperti ” 1 week to go”
• Peta minda
• Persediaan jasmani
Jaga kesihatan, bermula dari persiapan awal sehingga melangkah ke dewan peperiksaan untuk mengelakkan anda berasa bimbang dan terganggu emosi. Antara cara-caranya ialah:

1. Tidur yang cukup
2. Jaga pemakanan yang bersih (halal) dan seimbang.
3. Bersenam
4. Jaga Keselamatan

Kuatkan semangat dan usaha. Pastikan kita tidak lupa berdoa dan berserah kepada Allah selepas berusaha. Semoga kita semua berjaya mencapai apa yang dicita-citakan.

Rujukan: Dato’ Dr Haji Mohd. Fadzilah Kamsah, Strategi Menghadapi Peperiksaan

Wednesday, 6 April 2011


semua bnda itu tb2 ase memenatkn..memeningkan...
dont disturb me pleaz...want 2 shout...argh...
sekiranya anda brada d situai ini...what will u do????hohoho
saje bg gempak..kui3...
kdg2...jgn bt kerja 2 sorg2....
kte ase kte leh bt...tp sbnrnya beban bt kte..
lastly..kte badmood...
then...paham2 jalah pa y blaku...skrg..ak xmcm 2 lg..yeay...i only do what i want 2 do...kui2....gud gee...hahahahahha

jhia~setuju....kesian awak

Sunday, 3 April 2011

sakit itu amat menyakitkan....

sakit...apakah y kamu faham dgn sakit???
argh..sesuatu y xdpt d gmbrkn o kata2...sakit 2 amat pedih...sengsara..
tp itulah sbnrnya pyembuh dosa...
sakit itu ujian...haruslh tabah menghadapinya...namun tatkala sakit..
hatiku turut sakit...
only me know why....
i will not share wth others...coz i dun want people 2 understand me...y sedia diorg xphm...
it's me...
what 2 do????
time 2 sleep...
setiap masalah ada pnyelesaiannya...
one day....
i will found it....
u will never understand me becoz i will never tell u...

Saturday, 2 April 2011

female hormone~~

Hormones are chemicals that transfer information and regulate many processes throughout the human body.

Hormones serve many important functions in our lives. As children develop, hormones once dormant begin to be released. Female hormones are responsible development a girl goes through in becoming a woman. The process usually takes around four years and during this time varying hormone levels can be difficult to adapt to. As the process begins, the hypothalamus begins to release hormones that will in turn trigger another endocrine gland, the pituitary gland, to release two other hormones. These two hormones are luteinising hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). These are sent to the ovaries, which are then stimulated to in turn create their own hormones.

Female hormones are also necessary in regulating a women’s menstrual cycle, allowing her to give birth. The main hormones produced by the ovaries are progesterone and estrogen. These, along with LH and FSH, have important roles in a women’s natural cycle. Hormones take a drastic change when a woman becomes pregnant as well. Estrogen and Progesterone levels remain high in the body during this time.
After a pregnancy, hormone levels yet again take another drastic change, reverting back to normal levels. This can be difficult for some women to adapt to and there are a number of negative symptoms that are believed to be caused by the many hormonal changes occurring in the body. Female hormones and their affect on emotional and psychological behavior are still not very well known.

Women undergo another change in hormone levels at around the age of 45-50. At this point the ovaries become unable to produce normal levels of female hormones. This is known as menopause. When the process begins there may be irregularities in the menstrual cycle until finally it ceases altogether. This can have a negative effect on many aspects of a woman’s health because estrogen serves many functions, including protecting the heart and bones. Other symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes and bone loss.

There are a number of ways to treat these symptoms, including hormone replacement therapy, also known as HRT. Hormone replacement therapy is also used to protect against osteoporosis and heart disease. However, this application of the therapy requires a dosage balance that must be discussed with your doctor.
From the very beginning of life, female hormones have a great effect on a woman’s life. They shape appearances, make having children possible and are responsible for many important experiences for a women. Knowing all you can about these important parts of your body is important in keeping healthy.